Saturday, October 01, 2005


for an illustration friday

copyright Donnachada Daly 2005
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Anonymous said...

How sweet they are. To be so in love that you can float on air is the best!

elegraph said...

awww! this is adorable.

Anonymous said...

haha that is so cute

Ellen said...

Very nice illo!!!!

donnachada said...

Thank you all. You might want to check out part two.

Eren said...

This is lovely! I'll pretend this is part two...heheee.

donnachada said...

Eren, that's funny. Glad to see you're an optimist.

Anonymous said...

How very very sweet this is. I just discovered your blog and will be back often. You are so talented!

Nicolás said...

Sweet and lovely....

MikeS said...

lovely sketch!