So, all the regulars will know that I like to change things up a bit. Here's something a little different than what you're used to seeing.
copyright Donnachada Daly 2005
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illustration design sketches doodles art

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So, all the regulars will know that I like to change things up a bit. Here's something a little different than what you're used to seeing.
copyright Donnachada Daly 2005
Technorati Tags
illustration design sketches doodles art
I like it a lot, Donnachada! Always nice to see fluid lines!
Don - this is terrific.
One of my favourites.
Do some more - I'd love to see one with the character partly covered by the curtains.
V cooool idea!
Very nice!
hello don
I've been keeping on meaning to post comments everytime i am on your site. ..simply cause the work is too good.It's great you can convey so much with simple line. the work is elegant and very very poetic. I beileve you did say that you use illustrator to draw them in. Donnachada, these are some of the most organic illustrator drawings i've seen.
I've been a huge fan of micheal dudok de wit. He's a brilliant animator with a complete philosophy of simplicty and subtlety in animation and artwork alike..and a complete nut about lighting and light. i wonder if you've ever come across his films..namely father and daughter...also, i am sure u'll absolutley love the books he illsutrated..I highly recommend 'Oscar and Hoo' for the story and visuals and 'Oscar and Hoo forever' for the amazingly simple and bold colors .
also i wonder if u've come across Le Uyen Pham's work. She was at dreamworks for a while, i belive in Layouts.I dunno if you ever had a chance to meet her. her work is amazing as well...the same grace and simplicty that always gets to me.
Don the other thing is how much your work is also very scripted almost...extremely calligraphic...i've been a nut about brushwork and lettering...there's a great peter greenaway flick called Pillow Book..with enough and more lettering and calligraphy scripting...
Thanks for sharing the great work Don..and thank you so much for taking time to comment on my blog.
Thanks Mike. Fluid is good.
Elliot, thanks, yes I will do some more in this theme. Give me a few days and we'll see what happens. Gradually I'm exploring, so you'll probably see more composition etc. in posts to come. Appreciate your comments always.
Thanks W, Alina and Josh. You guys are always so supportive.
Hey Robin, thanks so much for the kind comments. I'm really glad you get a kick out of my illustrations. You are way too kind. I appreciate the comments you send and the continued support. I'm always pretty stunned when I visit your site so good wishes and similar thoughts are
always sent your way too.
Yes, lately I've been using illustrator, and have really been enjoying it. You can tell pretty easily where and when I started using it on the blog, so it is a pretty recent thing and I'm really enjoying experimenting with it and seeing how I can use it. Very glad you think it's organic.
Yes, I do love Michael Dudok De Wit's work. I did not know about his illustrated books, and quickly hopped on to amazon to check them out. Thanks for the info. I'll be reading them soon.
I don't know Le, but I'll look out for her work. I'll need to check out the Pillow Book flick too and see what thats all about. I love finding things that are inspiring, so cheers for the info. You can be sure I'll be checking them out.
Don - The Pillow is also a good reference for Ewan McGregors willy.
Hey Elliot, I saw an interview with him once where he said that that was his favourate body part. He's not shy.
GREAT abstactions that actually have a thematic link. NICELY DONE!!!
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