Monday, January 30, 2006


Playing with some line rhythm.

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MikeS said...

I apologize for asking this if this has been asked already, but I was wondering if you do any underlying drawing for these?

Nice balance on this one, Donnachada. Always like stopping in and seeing your work!

Elliot Cowan said...

Particularly strong linework here, Donn.

Anonymous said...

I your drawings.

donnachada said...

Hey Mike, no,no, you didn't ask it before. No I don't do any underlying drawing for these. The pose is already done (in my head). All I have to do is outline it. That's the tricky part. When I start off a drawing, the line I just made suggests where the following lines are just about to be placed. Sometimes a line will be placed incorrectly, but that may suggest a different pose altogether. As you know, subtle changes may dramatically change the mood of the pose. Sometimes I follow the new direction in a pose if the line suggests it. Even when an incorrect line that suggests another pose, I can see the next few lines in my head before I commit to them and decide wheather to follow it or not. I see the lines before before they happen, then I place them either aggressively or subtly depending on the feeling.
ehhh...does that make sense?
Always like your visits too.

Cheers Elliot, always appreciate it.

donnachada said...

Cheers Marco, you have got some really cool looking shapes on yours too.

kevin micallef said...

unbelievable..such confident line. Just reading your answer to Smook's question...really inspiring!! Great blog!

Katie McDee said...

Just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate your "process explanation" It's wonderful to learn how other artists think, plan, and execute their work!

donnachada said...

Thanks Kevin and Katie. Glad you found it interesting.

MikeS said...

Thanks, Donnachada! I appreciate your work all the more now. Thanks for taking the time with the lengthy response.

Jenny Lerew said...

FAB. : )

donnachada said...

No problem Mike. Looks like a couple of others found it helpful.

Ahh, Jenny. Too kind, too kind.

Alexandra Boiger Illustration said...
