Friday, February 03, 2006


The confident flirt.

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Boris Hiestand said...

RIGHT after the confident flirt, comes the drop in the manhole.

donnachada said...

Hahahahah, Boris, yes, now that would be absolutly spectacular!!!! I like the way you think>

Anonymous said...

whooo... beautiful. I love it said...

Ohhh this is great,beautiful!!!

Elliot Cowan said...

I left a comment about this the other day but it doesn't seem to be saving my replies....
It was positive....

Josh Parpan said...

Great overall shape, it flows very nicely!

justinpatrickparpan said...

Awesome line work as usual!

Unknown said...


donnachada said...

Marco, Virginia and Elliot, thank you very much.
Josh, Justin and Bobby, glad to see you guys again.

Anonymous said...

beautiful,but is that her dick?