Friday, February 17, 2006

Happy Girl

Well... I put down a couple of lines and this is where it lead to.
Made me laugh, so here you go. It's not all elegant here.

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Anonymous said...

Like this.

Josh Parpan said...

These dog walker posts are great donnachada!

justinpatrickparpan said...

I can relate to the dog…
Great work, as usual. Look forward to your next post!

donnachada said...

Deanna, thank you so much. What a nice thing to say. Glad to see you visit.

Thanks Marion.

Hey Josh, cool man.

Ha, thanks Justin. Something different up next.

Pepenero said...

Hi, I'm from italy and I found your blog with the function "next blog" on the top of the page... Your drawings are great! Compliments...

Bye!! said...

This is my favourite happy girl