Sunday, November 05, 2006


Monday again. Wish it was Friday in some cocktail bar.

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MikeS said...

I'd love to hear her sing.......
Wonderful Donnachada.

kcirbuk said...


Paco K.

Boris Hiestand said...

very jazzy- I hope bars like that exist in LA- I have yet to find a good cocktail jazz bar here in London...

they should open something like 'The Ink and paint Club' from 'Roger Rabbit' dangit!

MondayMorgue said...

very nice.

Marco Bucci said...

Awesome again. Just really strong design, without using rendering as a crutch.

donnachada said...

Cheers W. Glad you like it.

Me too Mike. Thanks you.

Thanks Paco K. Very glad you like it.

Hey Boris, well if you're ever out this direction, we can have fun looking for them. I agree with you completely.

Cheers Morgan.

Good to see you back Marco. Glad you liked Flushed Away. Nice pic of Le Frog you did.

Boris Hiestand said...

Donnachada, if I ever come your way to live and work we should get a bunch of animators together and open up one!
A jazz bar that is, not an animator.

donnachada said...

You're on Boris. We may have to do a bit of research and visit many fine places, you know, to check out the competition. That may take a while.