Sunday, December 17, 2006

Boxhead and Roundhead

Hey, anyone want to see Elliot Cowan's lovely illustrations come to life?
Go visit HERE and send on the love.

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Elliot Cowan said...

You delightful character, you.
If you email me some kind of postal address I'll send you the original books!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I checked out Elliot's stuff and it was great. Looking forward to seeing some more of your cool drawings...

donnachada said...

My pleasure Elliot. The more people that see it, the better. Wow, that would be fantastic. I'll send you an email. I feel all delighted.

Hey Jason, glad to see you droped over to Elliot. Cool, here's to the new year. You new work is so great and looks so amazing. Looking forward to seeing your new work too.