Monday, February 05, 2007

Monday Again

And a happy Monday to ya.

Wow, what's a better way to start a week than to find out that you've been mentioned on your favourite website....DRAWN!
Welcome all. If your looking for the gallery of girls John mentioned, you can find it HERE. Enjoy looking around. Hope you all like it.

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Alden said...

I totally adore this.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the Drawn! mention
That's so cool :)

Fabián Fucci said...

Hello there, I think your sketches on girls are absolutely brilliant! Keep posting!

Uli Meyer said...

You're one of my favorite minimalistes!

Josh Parpan said...

Well deserved Donnachada, Congrats!

donnachada said...

Cheers Signalite.

Thanks Yuin.

I will Fabian. Appreciate it.

Wow Uli, I'm in shock. That is really nice to know. I really appreciate it.

Cheers Josh, Hooray.