Monday, May 14, 2007


Busy as hell right now, but here's one to keep things going....

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Alpana said...

Very nice work! You are really talented. I was curious to know why is your work all about women...women with long beautiful hair :-)

Anonymous said...

because normally they are sexy ;) Great work Donnachada

Kei Acedera said...

ooh so pretty! I'd love to hang it on my wall ;)

donnachada said...

Thanks Alpana. Nice to see a new face here. The answer is easy. Women are my inspiration. I couldn't imagine a more inspiring goal than to try reproduce the subtleties of the female form. That should keep me busy for the rest of my days. Short hair, long hair, no hair, I love you all.

Yes indeed Virginia, thank you.

Cheers Kei, I must make it into a print.