Very happy to announce that CRUSH, my first book, will make it's debut at the San Diego Comic Con at the end of the month. Can't wait. I'll be sharing a booth with a bunch of talented friends. Listen to this line up....
Gabriele Pennacchioli, Scott Wright, Jakob Jensen, Jeremy Bernstein and Morgan Kelly. Should be a blast.
I'll have prints with me too. We'll all be at booth #831, so if you're there, drop by and say hello. Looking forward to meeting everyone who's been browsing around my blog. I'll also have the book available online a little while after the comic con for those of you who can't make it down or live overseas. So in the tradition of Ronnie and Enrico, the two guys who first made me see that self publishing is within our reach, here's what the books look like....
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illustration design sketches doodles art the daly blog

Congrats on the book man...It really nice.
Awwwwwww SWEET! Congrats! I'll definitely be dropping by to say Hi and pick up your book!
I'll see you there.
'Love your stuff!
Keep a book for me!
You're really talented to be able to draw a woman with little more than a line.
I need like twelve lines or something.
Congrats! The book looks great!
I love your line work. I hope to see you guys in San Diego.
Cheers to you all. Can't wait to meet you down there.
Thanks Steve. Are you going?
Hey Justin. Excellent, I'll see you there. If I think of it, I'll bring my copy your Butterscotch book to sign.
Great Pascal. Looking forward to it. I hope you're still putting on together.
Thanks Spleen. By the way, that therapy cartoon is the funniest thing. I'll be checking through your archives when I get a chance. Thanks for dropping by.
I'll see you there Clio.
Cheers Ted. I'll let everyone know of your list.
Thanks Mark. Hope I meet a ton of people that were have visited here.
Congrats, man! Looks great. Who did you publish it through/with?
Man, thanks for the visit! I have to say that I am completely blown away by your work. You have some beautiful stuffs here.
Cheers Chris. I went the self publish route. Lots of work, lots of fun.
Too kind Adam, I'll be dropping by your blog often. Amazing work.
that is SO exciting! congrats on the book!!
it looks fantastic! of course, it's chock full of your images, so, it HAS to be fantastic! :)
reeeeeally wish i could be at the comic con!!
have fun!! :)
Congrats on the book once again... I'll be swinging by your booth in San Diego to get my copy!!
Very inspiring!
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