Friday, July 20, 2007

Journals and Prints

All right. Getting the last things ready. All my booth mates books have arrived, and now its time to get the last bits together. Check out their blogs for some sneek peeks. Here's a peek of something else I'm bringing along with the books..... I won't have many of these journal/sketchbooks, so drop by soon if you want to grab one of these.....

And prints all packaged up and ready to go......

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Marco Bucci said...

beautiful simplicity in these designs!

kevin said...

can't wait to see you at the con, looks like your booth is really close to ours!

Anonymous said...

It makes me so jealous when I come across talent like yours! I wish I had one ounce of it - and you have it by the gallons!

Do you ever sell your work (as art) to the public>

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hey Donnachada! I'm enjoying your blog. I'm coming to L.A. in November - it would be great to meet up. Drop me an e-mail (
