Monday, August 24, 2009

3D Girl

3D Girl, the newest in The Daly Blog YouTube Channel. Hope you like it. If you have a really fast connection you can use the HD button when you are looking at it directly on the YouTube site. Nice and big. Sweet.

Also , I'm starting a newsletter. If you drop by every once in a while, and want to stay up to date, sign up and you'll be all set. Respect to everyone's email privacy. I'll never give your address to anyone. Signing up will give you access to free swag, and you'll get first dibs on new prints and sneak peeks. Yay!

Looking forward to sending this out. Hope to see you join.

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Oscar Grillo said...

It doesn't work. Besides I have asigmatism. Next time, mate.

donnachada said...

Hey Oscar, so glad to see you stop by.
For anyone with astigmatism, these are not so easy to see, but I'm doing some research to see if I can overcome this. I'll keep you posted on it.

Mick said...

didn't work for me either... maybe I have agnismiddlebigunsism