Friday, February 24, 2006


Here are some ruff sketches done with a really crappy ballpoint pen.

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Unknown said...

fantastic blog!!! I hope you dont mind if I link to you! I hope to attain lines as greats as these

will be back very soon!

Katie McDee said...

Hey! I love your rough sketches and that Bo Peep is Fantastic! and, thanks for the kind words on my site!

Unknown said...

always fun to see your sketches and drawing!! Great poses!

Martin Wittig said...

Your lines are always so expressive! Very cool stuff.

donnachada said...

Thanks Mel, no problem. I appreciate it. More than welcome anytime.

Hey Katie, good to see you.

Cheers Alina, nice to know you like the sketchy stuff too.

Thanks Martin. Good to see you drop by.

williams said...

You have made a simple line look very pleasing...very enjoyable..Cheers!