Saturday, March 25, 2006

Monster Mash

This monster just had an encounter with my three year old.
For Illustration Friday.

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Susan Mitchell said...

I love the way it is so loosely drawn yet so expressive.

Lori Witzel said...

Gotta watch out for those three-year-olds. Monsters don't know what they're up against...

Really lovely energy, and I especially like the little "seeing stars" effect.

Unknown said...

oh, i can relate! love your simple style!

Josh Parpan said...

ha! I like this!

Willie Baronet said...

He's so (hic) cute!

The Unknown said...

Looks like the monster got the worst of it.

Elliot Cowan said...

I'm coming down with a cold and that is exactly how I feel right this second.

justinpatrickparpan said...

Very cool! Simple yet totally expressive, like usual. Great work!

TXArtcGal said...

LOL! Gave me a giggle!! Very nice!

donnachada said...

Hey Sweet Pea, glad you like it.

Thanks Lori, yup they certainly have a tough job.

Thanks Stacey.

Josh, good to see you.

Ramone, haha, cheers.

The Unknown, he certainly did. I haven't seen him since.

Get better soon Elliot.

Cheers Justin.

Glad to give you a laugh Txartcgal.

Anonymous said...

Awesome possum!

Natura said...

Ha, ha, this is so fun! Great character :)