Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Trials and tribulations. Haha, this was painful.
For some reason, this one took forever to do. Some days you just can't get into the flow and other days it rolls off the pencil or tablet pen. Fortunately, I'm a persistant bugger, and finally I solved the drawing problems. Times like that really makes you question every single line to make sure it's in the right place. I do that subconsiously anyway, and I know where to place the lines even before I put them down, but sometimes my hand doesn't do what I can see in my mind. It's a good feeling though when you finally get it right.

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Justin Ridge said...

Wow, nice! I can hardly tell you struggled on this one! The flow in the lines is really elegant.

Jeremy said...

Wow, these are stunning! Just curious where you work and if you work at Disney, do you know Jason Ryan. He was one of my mentors and an awesome person. If you work at Dreamworks, do you Gavin Moran? Those are the only Irish folks I know in the industry right now. Again, really great work!

Scott Wright said...

You just keep getting better!

Very nice

Martin Wittig said...

Nice! The hard work payed off!

donnachada said...

Cheers Justin.

Thanks for dropping by Jeremy. Yeah, I know the two of the really well. Gavin is now at Sony. I've only heard great things about AM. I work at Dreamworks.
Thanks for the comments.

Cool Scott.

Cheers Martin. Always good to see you here.

R.A. MacNeil said...

This one's a beauty. It's a amazing what you can get across with such economy of line.
