Tuesday, September 19, 2006


What a nice surprise. I had no idea she worked in the same place until today.
Check out Elaine Bogan's fine designs at The Eel Bog. Funny when you work in a large place that you would first say hi through a blog.

Now for today's offering.......She had a busy day.

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Enzo Avolio said...

Wow! I love what's happening on this blog. Heavy Design elements just oozing all over the place!

A. Riabovitchev said...

Simple Beautiful!I like this sort of design.I have no time to do drawings like that,its great you do it!:O)

donnachada said...

You made my day Enzo, thank you.

Cheers Elaine, thanks for the kind words. Guess I'll be seeing you.

Andrei, thanks so much for the visit.
That means a lot coming from you. I appreciate it.

justinpatrickparpan said...

I want to do this right now...but alas, I have far to much work to do. Sigh, thanks for the pleasant offering sir, I appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

Really elegant .Nice flow and it just oozes graphic cool .

Hans said...

Hey Donnachada,

It's been a min. since I've been here! Lot's of great new posts and thanks for the Eel blog link, she's quite an artist!
Can't get enough of those smooth lines of yours, keep 'em coming:)


Catnapping said...

This is beautiful.