Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Melrose Mary

My pal Aidan of Skunk Fu fame, switched over his old website and started a his own blog Here instead. Eye candy awaits. Can't wait to see what he'll be sharing throughout the year.

And now for the pic today. Seen down on Melrose, I called her Melrose Mary.

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MikeS said...

I love how deceptively 'simple' your illustrations are, Donnachada.

Elegant as always. Hope you are doing well.

Sam Nielson said...

Beautiful curves and implied shapes in these last few!

Mr Harte said...

Thanks for the plug D.

Unknown said...

Nice flow!

donnachada said...

Thanks Mike, good to see you around.

You too Sam.

You're welcome Mr. Harte.

Cheers Alina.

Anonymous said...

Donnachada all your post are very beautiful,you are a master with the lines,too much elegance :) sorry If I dont come here many times,but sometime
Im shy to left comment to you.. I hope this year come more frequently to your blog!!