Monday, May 15, 2006

Angels and Devils

For the Illustration Friday theme. What can I say....

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Jafar said...

Your style is so damn cool, anything you do with simple lines makes so much of sense! Keep it up!

Jastolfo said...

Hahaha, love her expression. So telling. nice one.

Anonymous said...

great illo...I really like your "fluid" style

Linda said...

wonderful illo! Sad and funny, to many tequila shots maybe.

Hans said...

Awesome!....who slept with who???
Great how you capture so much emotion with so few lines.


justinpatrickparpan said...

Witty illustration. I really enjoy the color on this one.

kcirbuk said...

Love illustration!!

Paco K.

donnachada said...

Thanks Jafar, will do.

Cheers Jastolfo, good to see you drop by again.

Hey Aynaku, I go with the flow.

Linda, yup, Tequila can get you in a heap of trouble.

Hans, well, someone got corrupted.

Cheers Harry. Glad to give you a laugh.

Ha, Justin. Yup, I went a bit mad and used two colours and some shades of both. Somebody stop me before I use three. :)

Thanks Lorraine. Glad you like the new ones.

Cheers Paco!!!!